For the sashimi, we start by cleaning the sea bass. We took it already gutted, headless and scaled. To obtain 150 g of sea bass needed for the recipe, you can buy a fillet or obtain the necessary part from the sea bass as follows: after removing the head, gutting and scaled the fish, turn the belly of the fish towards you and cut so as to reach the tail, following the central bone. Then proceed with a cut along the entire back of the fish, above the fin. Then bring the tail of the fish to your right and make the same cut above the fin, from the tail towards the head. Cut to the base of the tail to obtain a fillet.
Turn the sea bass with the pulp resting on the cutting board and make the same cut to obtain the second fillet. Clean the upper fillet from the side, eliminating the outermost part, remove the bones with tweezers if present.
Remove the skin by sliding the blade between the pulp and the skin itself, starting from the tail. Place the fillet in a bowl with water, ice and fine salt, rub it gently with your hands, in order to eliminate the excess fat.
Pat dry with a dry disposable cloth. Now you can obtain 10 slices of sea bass, each of about 15 g. You will have to cut obliquely, against the grain.
Also cut 10 slices from the tuna and salmon fillet, always slices of the same thickness and weight. For each serving dish you can place 2 slices of each type of fish on the daikon. Always on each serving dish you can add some fresh wasabi, kizami wasabi and wakame seaweed. Your sashimi is ready, to be consumed immediately.